Friday, 27 April 2012

Video blog from Kanawera

Kia ora koutou. I had indicated in a previous blog that I had some rather selfish motives for wanting to engage more in flexible teaching and learning strategies. These main sat around my whanau, hapu, iwi obligations, including seasonal visits to Kanawera, a Titi Island on the south west corner of Rakiura. I have only this week returned from a trip down to the "Island" which saw me take two weeks away from face to face teaching, and in the case of this course, learning. While there I reflected on a couple of issues around flexible teaching and learning, and how these applied to me in this circumstance. I have made a couple of small video blogs to capture these thoughts, and would like to share them with you all.


(Post Script) On viewing these I dont know if I said much but the process may be as or more important than the message.

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