Kia ora koutou. I had indicated in a previous blog that I had some rather selfish motives for wanting to engage more in flexible teaching and learning strategies. These main sat around my whanau, hapu, iwi obligations, including seasonal visits to Kanawera, a Titi Island on the south west corner of Rakiura. I have only this week returned from a trip down to the "Island" which saw me take two weeks away from face to face teaching, and in the case of this course, learning. While there I reflected on a couple of issues around flexible teaching and learning, and how these applied to me in this circumstance. I have made a couple of small video blogs to capture these thoughts, and would like to share them with you all.
(Post Script) On viewing these I dont know if I said much but the process may be as or more important than the message.
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Friday, 27 April 2012
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Where are we???
Just reading this slideshare presentation (slideshare of course being another example of flexible and open learning)
Here at OP we have obvious leaders in the local FL field (Bron and Sarah) and also acknowledge the work Wayne Mcintosh in Open Ed. and judging by the size of this class some willing potential converts. Reading this however I wonder where the organisation sits within an international continuum? are we leading or following? at the beginning or the end?
Also some open questions. Given the rate of technological advancement, is this 'new style teaching' a fad, ie. a response to technology or is it sustainable regardless. If it is a fad, how far along are we in this fad and whats the next cab off the rank? How long till we return to 'traditional' teaching and learning?
Just introducing some felines to the Columbidae.
Here at OP we have obvious leaders in the local FL field (Bron and Sarah) and also acknowledge the work Wayne Mcintosh in Open Ed. and judging by the size of this class some willing potential converts. Reading this however I wonder where the organisation sits within an international continuum? are we leading or following? at the beginning or the end?
Also some open questions. Given the rate of technological advancement, is this 'new style teaching' a fad, ie. a response to technology or is it sustainable regardless. If it is a fad, how far along are we in this fad and whats the next cab off the rank? How long till we return to 'traditional' teaching and learning?
Just introducing some felines to the Columbidae.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Week Two Blog
He whakawhiti korero.
From: Ron Bull
Sent: Monday, 19 March 2012 9:47 a.m.
To: Gina Huakau
Subject: RE: FL course - Activity 2
Kia ora Gina.
I feel the same about the possibilities and the responsibilities of flexible learning.
Having taught in the University context for years I became both used to and wary of the efficacy of the face to face, one to many, I talk and you listen approach to teaching.
The initial premise of flexible learning being focused on outcomes based on student needs (not denying external and associated political issues associated with same) is sound and I believe the right direction that tertiary education should be heading. From my business days I would see this as a move towards a consumer focused model: we are looking now at the needs of the consumer. This bring to mind to other catch words from my old days, 'effective and efficient' management of time and resources.
Time will tell if the move towards flexible learning strategies produces better outcomes, one would suppose this to be the case. Therefore this approach may meet the 'effective' test.
But how 'efficient' is the implementation of these strategies.
Nagging at the back of my mind is what price do lecturing staff have to pay to deliver this type of learning.
I find this analogous to the rise of technology in the workplace specifically the use of cell phones. These were touted as being wonderful new devices that would free us from our desks and allow for flexibility within the workplace. One could argue, and many have, that the workplace has now expanded to include our private space, physical and chronological.
Looking at how I teach now as opposed to within the University context, I would describe myself as being semi flexible, I use a variety of media to make my point: face to face lectures, Moodle including PowerPoint presentations, embedded videos audio recordings of the lectures, audio on top of PowerPoint, adobe connect as well as individual meetings, e-mail correspondence etc. I know that I still have much to learn to make my teaching practice more effective.
My point is that I am now reproducing my face to face lectures in at least two other formats in the quest to become an effective flexible educator. Given other pressures of expectation within the institution and the sector generally (e.g. PBRF), along with external obligations, where would my break-even point be? At what point would the balance between effective and efficient tip one way or the other?
The need to be more flexible in the way we teach how we conduct learning experiences is important if we are want to meet the needs of those consuming our product (students), but this must be balanced with efficiency measures to ensure educators and associated staff are not overburdened with the weight of expectation that would cause negative impact on other tasks within either the academy, our private space or both.
Just some thoughts.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gina Huakau
Sent: Saturday, 17 March 2012 4:16 p.m.
To: Ron Bull
Subject: FL course - Activity 2
Importance: High
Kia ora Ron.
Here are the 4 questions re: FL- I've posted some thinking below... G
What does the term Flexible Learning mean to you?
Lots of work! Lol. Flexible learning means to me greater choices for both how students learn and how I facilitate a course.
Helping students achieve a learning outcome/skill is no longer confined to one mode of delivery.
Why is it necessary to use a more flexible approach in your work?
Because we have to, there is now so much literature (not to mention education statistics) that show if we don't get to grips with offering viable and multiple pathways to learning- we again have another generation who miss out on an opportunity.
Having a more flexible approach in our mahi is way more interesting too.
What do you need to explore to help this happen?
I need some IT gurus to help me get a fat ethernet cable between Waikato and Otago so the class can interact more with each other!
Be great to work more with OT colleagues to look at cross-overs so we can have a better flexible approach between courses (we've started this)
What goals do you have for using Flexible Learning in your work?
Better engagement with students- especially North Island cohort.
Increased opportunities for students to interact with the course and get more from it.
From: Ron Bull
Sent: Monday, 19 March 2012 9:47 a.m.
To: Gina Huakau
Subject: RE: FL course - Activity 2
Kia ora Gina.
I feel the same about the possibilities and the responsibilities of flexible learning.
Having taught in the University context for years I became both used to and wary of the efficacy of the face to face, one to many, I talk and you listen approach to teaching.
The initial premise of flexible learning being focused on outcomes based on student needs (not denying external and associated political issues associated with same) is sound and I believe the right direction that tertiary education should be heading. From my business days I would see this as a move towards a consumer focused model: we are looking now at the needs of the consumer. This bring to mind to other catch words from my old days, 'effective and efficient' management of time and resources.
Time will tell if the move towards flexible learning strategies produces better outcomes, one would suppose this to be the case. Therefore this approach may meet the 'effective' test.
But how 'efficient' is the implementation of these strategies.
Nagging at the back of my mind is what price do lecturing staff have to pay to deliver this type of learning.
I find this analogous to the rise of technology in the workplace specifically the use of cell phones. These were touted as being wonderful new devices that would free us from our desks and allow for flexibility within the workplace. One could argue, and many have, that the workplace has now expanded to include our private space, physical and chronological.
Looking at how I teach now as opposed to within the University context, I would describe myself as being semi flexible, I use a variety of media to make my point: face to face lectures, Moodle including PowerPoint presentations, embedded videos audio recordings of the lectures, audio on top of PowerPoint, adobe connect as well as individual meetings, e-mail correspondence etc. I know that I still have much to learn to make my teaching practice more effective.
My point is that I am now reproducing my face to face lectures in at least two other formats in the quest to become an effective flexible educator. Given other pressures of expectation within the institution and the sector generally (e.g. PBRF), along with external obligations, where would my break-even point be? At what point would the balance between effective and efficient tip one way or the other?
The need to be more flexible in the way we teach how we conduct learning experiences is important if we are want to meet the needs of those consuming our product (students), but this must be balanced with efficiency measures to ensure educators and associated staff are not overburdened with the weight of expectation that would cause negative impact on other tasks within either the academy, our private space or both.
Just some thoughts.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gina Huakau
Sent: Saturday, 17 March 2012 4:16 p.m.
To: Ron Bull
Subject: FL course - Activity 2
Importance: High
Kia ora Ron.
Here are the 4 questions re: FL- I've posted some thinking below... G
What does the term Flexible Learning mean to you?
Lots of work! Lol. Flexible learning means to me greater choices for both how students learn and how I facilitate a course.
Helping students achieve a learning outcome/skill is no longer confined to one mode of delivery.
Why is it necessary to use a more flexible approach in your work?
Because we have to, there is now so much literature (not to mention education statistics) that show if we don't get to grips with offering viable and multiple pathways to learning- we again have another generation who miss out on an opportunity.
Having a more flexible approach in our mahi is way more interesting too.
What do you need to explore to help this happen?
I need some IT gurus to help me get a fat ethernet cable between Waikato and Otago so the class can interact more with each other!
Be great to work more with OT colleagues to look at cross-overs so we can have a better flexible approach between courses (we've started this)
What goals do you have for using Flexible Learning in your work?
Better engagement with students- especially North Island cohort.
Increased opportunities for students to interact with the course and get more from it.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Week One Blog
Kia ora koutou
Ko Ron Bull tohoku ikoa, no Oraka ahau, My name is Ron Bull and my roots lay in the ground at Colac Bay, Southland (among other places).
I currently work as a Senior Lecturer in the Treaty Education Training Unit within the Educational Development Centre. My primary role is to assist staff in understanding what the Treaty of Waitangi is, and the importance of this understanding in building mutually beneficial, sustainable relationships between institutions, as well as individuals, and mana whenua in New Zealand.
The majority of my teaching experience has been at the University where I taught one to two hour lectuers to up to 300 students. I am still getting my head around the idea that there can be other ways!
I am also invovled in various cultural rights and obligations that require me to 'disappear' for periods of time. I feel that I need to learn effective strategies that will change my classroom management teaching/learning style as well as allow me the freedom to participate in the cultural activities without adversley affecting my students success outcomes.
I'm looking forward to meeting those of you I have not seen before and to catching up again with those I know.
Ko Ron Bull tohoku ikoa, no Oraka ahau, My name is Ron Bull and my roots lay in the ground at Colac Bay, Southland (among other places).
I currently work as a Senior Lecturer in the Treaty Education Training Unit within the Educational Development Centre. My primary role is to assist staff in understanding what the Treaty of Waitangi is, and the importance of this understanding in building mutually beneficial, sustainable relationships between institutions, as well as individuals, and mana whenua in New Zealand.
The majority of my teaching experience has been at the University where I taught one to two hour lectuers to up to 300 students. I am still getting my head around the idea that there can be other ways!
I am also invovled in various cultural rights and obligations that require me to 'disappear' for periods of time. I feel that I need to learn effective strategies that will change my classroom management teaching/learning style as well as allow me the freedom to participate in the cultural activities without adversley affecting my students success outcomes.
I'm looking forward to meeting those of you I have not seen before and to catching up again with those I know.
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